

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Defining My Weirdness: How I Fit Into the Characteristics of Autism (Autism Awareness Special)

Sooooo this is a bit late. I had intended to do 2017's Autism Awareness Special with a case study on Sheldon Cooper from 'The Big Bang Theory' but there's hundreds of episodes worth of examples and I honestly can't sift through them all to find them so that's on permanent hiatus until further notice. Instead, I thought I'd try out something different for my belated Autism Awareness Special.

I thought I'd try listing all known characteristics of autism and I'll see if I fit into them. The point of this is three-fold:

1) This will hopefully explain my somewhat unusual quirks to those of you readers that have had the pleasure of knowing me personally

2) It'll hopefully teach you on well-known characteristics of autism

3) If I don't fit with all of these, it'll be proof that no two autistic people are the same and some characteristics will be more prominent in some people than others

I've decided to take the list from the Rocky Point Academy website (Link below the article) as it is the longest one, thus creating a stronger list. If any of these are inaccurate, sound off in the comments below.

Without further ado, here we go!

  1. Very little or no eye contact - If there's one thing I don't know about most of my friends is their eye colour. Try as I might, I seem unable to look into people's eyes for more than a second. Sometimes this gets to the point where I don't remember their faces after a first encounter.
  2. Resistance to being held or touched - At first but I'm more open to it lately. Initiating physical contact is another thing entirely since I feel I have to get others' permission first.
  3. Tends to get too close when speaking to someone (lack of personal space) - I have a huge sense of personal space and I don't like people getting too close (whether or not this applies to relationships remains to be seen)
  4. Responds to social interactions but does not initiate them - Very mixed actually.  On the whole, I'm bad at both initiating conversations and responding to them. However, if it's a topic I'm actively interested in, I will respond and initiate.
  5. Does not share observations or experiences with others - I honestly can't think of an example that either confirms or denies this. Those of you who know me well will hopefully do this for me.
  6. Difficulty in understanding jokes, figure of speech or sarcasm - I have managed to understand all three in some capacity though idioms have been a problem in the past. Banter is the one thing I have yet to understand.
  7. Difficulty in understand body language and facial expressions - Problem in the past but I understand the basic emotions. More complex emotions are tricky (I am yet to understand, for example, if someone is interested in me romantically though I have a feeling that's a problem with most men)
  8. Difficulty in understand the rules of conversation - Definitely! Small talk in particular is a hard one to do. I've only mastered conversations in geeky stuff or stuff I have vast knowledge in but gossip and other conversation conventions are tricky to me.
  9. Difficulty understanding group interactions - Unsure. I love group interactions but I often feel left out of them through my lack of social interaction and large amounts of daydreaming. To be honest, I don't understand what they mean here.
  10. Aversion to answering question about themselves - Only if I have no idea how to answer it. Ironically, it's questions about my autism I have the most difficulty answering.
  11. Gives spontaneous comments which seem to have no connection to the current conversation - This has lead to some amusingly awkward moments between myself and my peers. This is what happens when one is unable to track conversations properly.
  12. Makes honest but inappropriate observations - Yes and I often dig myself a whole trying to rectify this. 
  13. Seems unable to understand another's feelings - I find this more common with women but again, it seems that most men are naive about that. They even did a funny Family Guy sketch on it (Men! We don't know what we did!)
  14. Prefers to be alone, aloof or overly friendly - Depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to be alone and sometimes I crave a social situation. It's a funny old brain this.
  15. Difficulty maintaining friendships - Making friends is very difficult and maintaining them can be difficult as I tend to lose touch with them out of anxiety.
  16. Finds it easier to socialize with older and younger people rather than peers my own age - Actually yes. I do prefer interacting with adults than teenagers though children stress me out after a while.
  17. Unaware of/disinterested in everything around me - The first one applies more as I tend to daydream (a lot!)
  18. Talks excessively about one or two topics - Dunununun dunununun dunununun, OOOOOWEEEEEOOOOOOO! (That was the Doctor Who theme for those who thought I have temporarily gone insane)
  19. Overly trusting or unable to read behind the people's motives on actions - Depends on how well I know them. If I know them well, it's the former. If I barely know them or not at all, it's the latter.
  20. Minimal acknowledgement of others - I feel like I'm repeating myself here but yes that does often happen. 
  21. Abnormal use of pitch, intonation, rhythm or stress whilst speaking - Unsure. I might need to check with others for that. It sometimes feels weird with the pitch and tone but other than that, haven't the foggiest.
  22. Speech is abnormally loud or quiet - I have been told I should become a thespian actor because of my naturally loud voice
  23. Difficulty whispering - Actually yes. My whispering is often as loud as my voice
  24. Repeats last words or phrases several times. Makes verbal sounds whilst listening (echolalia) - Sounds right to me. I can't help it, it just happens.
  25. Often uses short incomplete sentences - I think you can tell by some of the short sentences in this article. I do tend to waffle at times but I like using short incomplete sentences. It makes it snappy, you know.
  26. Pronouns are inappropriately used - I do use 'one' as a pronoun even though it's rarely used anymore. Does that count?
  27. May have a high vocabulary - I highly approve of this particular symptom. It demonstrates how one can be sufficiently articulated in their speech patterns and writing styles. (Yes I have a reasonably high vocabulary)
  28. Uses a person's name excessively when speaking to them - At times. I also say please twice in one sentence (Can I please have this please?)
  29. Speech started very early then stopped for a period of time - Nope! I was a late bloomer. I couldn't speak until I was around 3 (though I'm given to understand that it's a common symptom. It might pop up later).
  30. Difficulty understanding directional terms - I know my lefts and rights thank you very much.
  31. Obsession with objects, ideas and desires - Again, Doctor Who. But I'm also obsessed Star Wars, music and romance (the latter files under desires I believe). 
  32. Fascination with rotation - Part of my fiddling habits (stimming). I do like rotating things a lot.
  33. Play is often repetitive - I'm an adult so play is now minimal but as a child, I often played out my own Doctor Who ideas with figures repeatedly (some of which I have since developed into actual story ideas).
  34. Many and varied collections - When one is a geek, one tends to collect things. 
  35. Unusual attachments to objects - If there's one thing I will never get rid of is my star teddy. 
  36. Quotes movies or video games - Again, Doctor Who and Star Wars. I quote them when the situation almost demands it.
  37. Difficulty transferring skills from one area to another - The only time where I know this applies is memory. I have a very selective memory since I remember some things really well and forget things in other subjects or in general.
  38. Perfectionism in some areas - Holy TARDIS of Gallifrey are some of these worded poorly?! I think it means a strict adherance to routine. If my routine or plan is disrupted, I will get distressed. I think this also applies to my habit of making lists but that feels irrelevant 
  39. Frustration expressed in unusual ways - I tend to scream in anger if that answers that question
  40. Feels the need to fix or rearrange things - One particular area where this annoys me is book and DVD order. I have to put them in chronological order or else they will make no sense.
  41. Transitioning from one activity to another is difficult - Not sure. The only time this question makes sense is that I'm great in some subjects but terrible in others.
  42. Difficulty attending to some tasks - I find this applies to practical tasks since the amount of instructions overwhelm me. This includes cooking and science experiments.
  43. Gross motor skills are developmentally behind peers - I can't drive/ride anything with wheels and I completely such at sports. The only one I am good at is walking. I'm a fast walker.
  44. Fine motor skills are developmentally behind peers - I thought that was to do with hypotonia (weak muscle tone which I have also been diagnosed with). Regardless, I can't tie shoelaces (no matter how many times I try), I can't cut straight with scissors, my wrapping skills are appalling and even I can't read my handwriting.
  45. Inability to perceive dangerous situations - Depends on how alert I am. If I'm in my own little world then no. If I'm panicking then yes, too much.
  46. Extreme phobia/fears for no apparent reason - Loud noises and dolls of any kind spring to mind.
  47. Verbal outbursts - I think so? I'm not sure.
  48. Unexpected movements - I do randomly do things when I feel like it but I also stick to a routine so I can be fairly predictable, 
  49. Difficulty sensing time - I'm awful without a nearby clock/watch. I have no idea how fast or slow something is
  50. Difficulty waiting their turn (such as in line) - I am rather impatient, especially when I'm time constrained.
  51. Causes injury to self - Don't worry, I'm too scared of pain for that. The only exception is smacking my head or lightly banging my head against the wall whenever myself or someone else says or does something stupid. I can't abide stupidity.
  52. Walks on toes - Only to reach something though I might do it subconsciously
  53. Unusual gait - Fun fact: I had to look up what that means! Apparently it means funny walks. Yes I do walk in unusual ways including C-3PO when trying to get through crowds. 
  54. Difficulty changing from one floor surface to another (carpet to wood, pavement to grass) - Not anymore. Apparently that used to be a problem with grass but nowadays, I love being barefoot on grass. 
  55. Odd or unnatural posture - I think I'm somewhat hunched but honestly, I don't know because I haven't bothered to compare myself with someone with natural posture
  56. Difficulty moving through space (bumps into objects and people) - Not a major problem but I have bumped into people in the past. Especially the tighter the space.
  57. Walks without swinging arms freely - I'm the opposite. I'm a swinger (wait...)
  58. Incontinence of bowels or bladder - My bowels are very much in control thank you very much
  59. Constipation - Oh boy... only happens due to lack of fibre
  60. Frequent gas - I'm flatulent yest but not Thunderpants levels. I'm getting uncomfortable with bowel questions, can we move on?
  61. Appearance of hearing problems, but hearing has been checked and is now fine - Yes. I am unable to hear people at times with multiple incidents of me saying 'pardon?'
  62. Seizure activity - None that I know of. The closest I fit to that is twitching 
  63. Irregular sleeping patterns - Sometimes I sleep like a log. Others I can't sleep at all. You can tell I prefer the former.
  64. Apparent lack of concern for personal hygiene - Less concern than others but I do have a concern for my hygiene! I'm not a neanderthal.

Aaaaaand that's it. Boy was that a long list. I do hope this isn't overwhelming for you guys but I hope this gives you a better insight towards my behaviour and the behaviour of people on the spectrum. If there are any that I've missed, sound off below and I will tell you if I adhere to them or not. 

Also, due to the fact that I don't follow all of these, this will hopefully demonstrate that not everyone on the spectrum follows all of these. There will be some things that I follow and other people on the spectrum don't and vice versa. I'm not the definitive article of autism!

Anywho, that concludes this Thought from an Autistic Mind. What did you think of this list? Is it accurate? Are there any that I've missed? What characteristics do you or people on the spectrum follow on this list? Sound off in the comments below and be sure to like my Facebook page 'Joel Mole.' Stay tuned for more posts in the future but until then, fair thee well good people of the internet!

Image result for autistic traits
Others that I've missed: I do laugh nervously, I am sensitive to pain, I do have difficulty in asking for help or needs, I am very sensitive to sound and I want things to stay the same dagnabbit!

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