

Saturday, 28 November 2015

The Paris Attacks and Migration: Why people need to calm down!

As those of you who aren't living under a rock know, on Friday 13th November 2015, Paris was attacked through a series of bombings and shootings by the terrorist group known as ISIS. At least 120 people were killed. This is a horrific event and I'm glad people are showing their support. However what I'm talking about is the reactions people had. Building on this, it's about time I addressed the migrant crisis and people's attitude towards non-British people.

In talking about the reactions, most of which has been positive with numerous buildings being illuminated in the tricolour in tribute to Paris and I commend them for that. However in the Internet things are different, particularly when it comes to what they have to say about ISIS. Now ISIS are a truly despicable group and I, like many people, are baffled at their horribly misguided judgements on humanity. But that does not excuse people judging all Muslims and Syrians by what one splinter group has done. Seriously, thanks to the media, Muslims have a pretty bad name right now because of the actions of ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Just because one or two splinter groups do terrible things doesn't mean all Muslims are like this. In fact, most Muslims are lovely because the Qur'an says they should care for humanity:

"Whoever kills an innocent person, it is as if he has killed all of humanity"

- Qur'an 5:32

See what I mean? ISIS and Al-Qaeda aren't Muslims. They're wackos who believe that their actions please Allah whereas it will likely shame him.

I should point out that it has turned more people against Syrian migrants in fear of anyone of them being a terrorist. Ok I'm just going to say this but to those right-wing people who believe that migrants are a swarm or something along those lines: shut up. They're people for crying out loud and most of them are innocent civilians who are desperate to find safety because life in Syria is basically Hell. Besides, migrants can be beneficial because they boost the economy by taking the jobs no-one wants. "But they're taking our jobs" you may say, well do you want to work in a newsagents? Or be a cleaner? Or handpick butternut squash (a job that I've seen in a documentary about migration)? Thought not. Honestly, if you assume that all migrants are terrorists or that they're taking over the country then frankly, stop believing a word UKIP says, they base their views on false statistics anyway.

Another worrying response goes something like this: "Fight back against these terrorist pieces of scum! Let's go to war against them!" Ok I may be paraphrasing but you get the idea. In fairness that is a natural response, you're angry at ISIS for what they've done I get that. But can you actually use your brain and think about the negatives of war (of which there are many)? Because OF COURSE it is a good idea to send your loved ones off to fight in a war in which they are likely to die in (!). Seriously? Have you guys learned NOTHING from WW1, WW2, and Afghanistan? If you seriously believe that war is the best option, try telling what I've said above to families whose father or older brother died in battle. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear you say that (!). Honestly, war isn't even the best option. I think the Doctor Who episode 'The Zygon Inversion' (which drew parallels to ISIS) said it best during Peter Capaldi's speech near the end:

 "It's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn; how many hearts will be broken; how many lives shattered; how much blood will spill before everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning! SIT. DOWN. AND TALK!" 

- Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor

War always ends by talking so why not cut out the middle man? My point is that yes, ISIS are evil, but you can't get angry at all the Syrians and all the Muslims for the actions of the splinter group. Heck even anger at the splinter group will cause more harm than good! What happened in Paris was terrible yes but we need to keep it together! Anger and paranoia is exactly what ISIS want but we need to stand strong and retain our respect towards humanity rather than be racist towards migrants and Muslims.

To everyone against migration and ISIS, especially the government if they actually read this: just calm down please! Find the right solution to these things, forgive them even, just for goodness sakes, don't start a war! Or else what happened in Paris will happen everywhere. 


And that concludes this thought from an autistic mind. What do you think about this? Do you have any questions? Let me know in the comments below, be sure to like my Facebook page 'Joel Mole' for more blogs and share this around to spread the word. Thank you for reading this and until the next time: fare thee well!